NDJangoImageHoverFormatter Infusion stand The infusion stands are equipped with a 4-arm safety bottle holder and can be adjusted in height up to 870 mm. $100.00 Quantity Add to Compare + Wishlist
NDJangoImageHoverFormatter Gas bottle holder Gas bottle holders mount anywhere on vertical profile or support column. $100.00 Quantity Add to Compare + Wishlist
NDJangoImageHoverFormatter Drawer block Drawer blocks in various designs: heights, lockable w/ handle or mouse pad. All have extendable rails, self-closing. $100.00 Quantity Add to Compare + Wishlist
NDJangoImageHoverFormatter Basket Basket for medical accessories, adjustable height. $100.00 Quantity Add to Compare + Wishlist
NDJangoImageHoverFormatter 医疗推车 uni-cart 单立柱推车结构紧凑、机动性强,是节省空间的理想移动式推车。各种稳定器长度可确保稳定性,非常适合集成小型医疗设备和病人监护仪。 产品特点 立柱: 铝挤压立柱: 铝挤压 底座: 压铸和钢材组合4 和 5 英尺悬臂,可定制支脚长度和脚轮位置高达 660 VA 的隔离变压器 机械和电气高度调节 各种显示器支架 各种应用的大量配件和组件 应用领域 显示器推车、内窥镜、心电图、物理治疗、医疗办公楼、病人监护、手术室、人工呼吸、输液技术、CT 和 MRT 产品目录和配置器 联系人可以通过台式电脑或平板电脑两种方式来使用我们的产品配置器。前往配置器前往产品目录 $100.00 Quantity Add to Compare + Wishlist